All posts from the 'Prayer' category:
To all my IHOP-KC friends and those around the world ~ affiliated with IHOPs. I ran the LaHOP for over 15 years in Monroe Louisiana – circa 2002-2014. Hello dear friends, I’m so proud of all o [...]
Hello, I want to speak to you today about the atmosphere that surrounds you. Most people do not understand the power of the atmosphere that they live in. But the scripture is clear our atmosph [...]
Posted by: Cyndi | May 17, 2022 Meat not milk; The Great Saints Meat not milk posts: Name me one saint, or one great man or woman of God that did not have to stand up alone to the esta [...]
FORERUNNER SCHOOL OF MINISTRY – MIKE BICKLE Worship on Earth Like It Is in Heaven: David’s Revelation of Worship I. DAVID’S SACRED VOW: TO EXTRAVAGANTLY PURSUE GOD UNTIL... As a young man, Da [...]
WHAT IS TEHILLAH? We'll start with a more intellectual definition: Tehillah is a Hebrew word.... OT:8416 - tehillah (teh-hil-law'); from OT:1984; meaning laudation; or specifically (concretely) a h [...]
Understanding and Breaking Old Cycles of Poverty Chuck Pierce This is a year of the open window of heaven. As I have written, this is a year of the HEI of God. The Hebrew letter HEI looks like a win [...]