All posts from the 'Sanctification and Pruning' category:
Have you ever been going through a season where you felt like nothing was going right for you? Often God will offend the mind ~ to reveal the heart.
Unfortunately, our world and our population, including our brothers and sisters in Christ, are struggling with sexual addiction. There is hope and there is freedom for you in the Lord Jesus Christ.
Responding to Prophetic Delay by David Orton His dreams of fulfilled destiny lay wrecked before him. From the heights of being anointed for the throne, and of a famous victor [...]
Understanding and Breaking Old Cycles of Poverty Chuck Pierce This is a year of the open window of heaven. As I have written, this is a year of the HEI of God. The Hebrew letter HEI looks like a win [...]
Session 2 The Revelation of the Free Gift of God’s Righteousness I. Review of session 1 A. Scripture calls us to contend for the faith of the apos [...]
The Revelation of Grace (Rom. 5:12-21) I. freely receiving the gift of righteousness A. God’s grace is a revelation that enables us to reign in li [...]