Posted February 25th, 2022 at 1:59 pmNo Comments Yet
” True spirituality that is pure in the eyes of our Father God is to make a difference in the lives of the orphans and widows in their troubles, and to refuse to be corrupted by the world’s values.” The Passion Translation James 1:27
I woke up this morning with Holy Spirit causing me to tremble all over in my bed and giving me the most wonderful idea for the church of today. A men’s ministry of ‘Handymen’ to go out to help single mothers, widows, orphans, and divorced women who are in dire straits and those who need a man’s help. The Bible tells us in James that “Pure and undefiled religion is expressed in outward acts, . . .” (Amplified Bible)
I’m also reminded of the first century church and how they lived in a real, true community. Paul was often heard encouraging others to help the brothers and sisters in Christ with real tangible needs. Although, I appreciate the pastor and his sermons, what most women need is a man to help them with physical chores, repairs, financial advice, and even finances, if possible.
Such a ministry in the church would be extremely valuable and very scriptural.
It would be simple to start a men’s group full of guys who were very good at doing certain things around the home; Like car maintenance, yard help, handyman skills, light carpentry, financial advice, accounting advice, mentoring of young boys, etc. All of these gifts come easy to a lot of men in the church, but are the things that most single women struggle with, to the point of torment, aggravation, and extreme stress.
This is how the Lord put it to me: Simply to have a men’s group at the church, with about 30 to 50 men in it, that were good at certain skills, and would be willing to volunteer their time once a month or once a week to help a woman in need.
Both married and single men could volunteer and a list of their skills could be kept at the church by a single organizer or manager. When a woman needed help she could call the church and ask for someone from the men’s group to come and help her. The manager would schedule a time with the appropriate volunteer, and also manage the men so they were not taken advantage of, but only volunteered a certain amount of time, as the group decided. The church could donate supplies, parts and possibly fund raise to help those in their congregation in the time of need.
Often in the church men don’t seem to find a way to help in ministry. If they’re not a preacher or a deliverance minister, sing in the choir, or Usher, men struggle to know where to serve or what to do to help the Lord in ministry.
What is it that we are training our men to do? Many men have many skills and talents that are greatly needed but undervalued. I think this is a wonderful idea by Holy Spirit to help each other and to be a true community in the body of Christ. Not only would it give us the opportunity to share our skills and talents to the glory of God, as the scripture says doing all we do as unto the Lord, but it would allow us to relieve the stress from our brothers and sisters and I have a peaceful and joyful community.
Perhaps God would give us an idea for a women’s ministry to help out as well; though when I prayed He said the women did most of the ministry in the church already. (hmmmm)
Let me take a moment to talk about the man in the picture above ~ Joseph.
He is, in our community, a kind and loving servant of the Lord that helps endlessly with all the gifts and talents that he has to help the community property and the women in our community who need his help. I personally don’t think I could have made it these last five years without this wonderful man of God helping me and taking care of things that I am unable to do or afford.
I want to shout out thank you to Joseph and to all the men in the body of Christ who secretly and help women and children in their community. We appreciate you greatly!
Well done guys. Well done.
“Pure unblemished religion [as it is expressed in outward acts] in the side of our God and father is this to visit and look after the fatherless and the widow’s in their distress and to keep oneself uncontaminated by the [secular] world.” James 1:27 Amplified Bible
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