Posted July 20th, 2013 at 4:52 pmNo Comments Yet
Understanding and Breaking Old Cycles of Poverty
Chuck Pierce
This is a year of the open window of heaven. As I have written, this is a year of the HEI of God. The Hebrew letter HEI looks like a window.
When studying this word, both wind and sound blow from heaven through the window into the earth realm to bring change. Declare that you are willing to change and watch your atmosphere begin to be filled with God’s presence.
God does not produce signs and wonders from heaven as ends in themselves. They are released to bring faith to His people and those around them — whether believers or unbelievers.
This is also the year of the SAMEKH of God, or things coming full circle. This is the year to break old cycles. Ask the Lord to come again and break you out of old cycles. Ask Him to allow you to experience His Glory so your faith will explode. Come, Lord Jesus! May you enter into the fullness of this year of Samekh Hei!
The Church is in an incredible season of change. I believe we are all sensing those changes in us and around us. In one of our prayer meetings at Glory of Zion at the beginning of December, I saw “great atmospheric changes in the heavens that would affect the earth realm.” We are hearing about those changes in the natural as well as the spiritual.
I actually prophesied that over the next four months (beginning in December) there would be cataclysmic shifts in the heavens and we must be prepared to shift in the earth realm. It’s important to understand that the heavens and earth are changing, and the atmosphere of earth is changing rapidly in the natural. As we intensify our seeking of the Lord, not only will passion increase, but we will also understand that the heavenlies are coming closer and invading the earth. We are entering a supernatural dimension.
This is a SEASON to Declare VICTORY!
Each month we are decreeing victory. God is having to develop a mindset of victory in His people. This is a year we are on the offense and not the defense. The enemy does not have an upper hand this year. This last 10 day prayer focus explained how to declare victory for the next 10 months. I studied each month in the word of God and saw how certain things happened in certain months.
One of the months had the following victory focus: What you seed in the second month will begin to produce great fruit. (I am not talking about the month of February, but your second month of prayer where you “set your face like a flint” to have victory.) We are decreeing that what you tithe will blossom. We are decreeing that there is a supernatural grace for your offerings to multiply 30, 60, and 100 fold. We are decreeing that you will gain victory through giving and break the curse of God robbing. We are even declaring that you will break a three year cycle of debt and declare that your past financial defeats will reverse and begin to multiply seven fold.
Any poverty spirit that has held your generational bloodline in captivity and kept you from the fullness of the prosperity that God has for you must break!
Breaking the Spirit of Poverty
We need a wind of change to blow upon us and produce victory! This will break every old cycle. If the windows of heaven open, then every spirit that has trapped us in the past will flee! One old cycle that I feel we should break is linked to the SPIRIT OF POVERTY!
Victory is the defeat of an enemy or opponent. Victory is the success in a struggle against difficulties or some obstacle that is impeding your path of success. Victory is the state of having triumphed. We are declaring a victory over the SPIRIT OF POVERTY! This spirit has violated God’s perfect order and produced instability in many.
I feel the Lord is saying to take a violent, passionate stand on behalf of the Body of Christ concerning this spirit. When God is talking about us being violent, this means that we will press through difficulty and storms, and force an atmospheric change. I declare that any atmosphere of poverty encircling around you or your sphere of authority will be invaded with the atmosphere of blessing and glory from heaven.
How Does A Poverty Mindset Develop?
Poverty is refusing to become what God created and destined you to be. Poverty is not believing that the Lord can branch you into the fullness of His plan. Poverty is not just experiencing lack, but having a fear that you will lack. Poverty is where you conform to your circumstance or the blueprint that the world and the god of this world has surrounded you with.
Poverty occurs when the “god of this world” surrounds you with and influences you with only a world perspective and causes you to forget God’s ability in the midst of your circumstance. Poverty has a voice that says, “God is not able!”
Poverty can occur through various means. Poverty can occur through oppression through wrong authoritative structures (Isaiah 5:8). Poverty can also occur if we have a mentality of covetousness or gluttony (Proverbs 23:21). Poverty can occur if we are indolent or lazy (Proverbs 24:33,34). Haste leads to poverty (Proverbs 28:22). This occurs when we fall into “get rich quick” schemes. Poverty occurs if you negate the Holy Spirit. If you resist the Holy Spirit you negate the blessing of the Lord.
Genesis 45 is the only Old Testament reference to poverty outside of Proverbs. Joseph was anointed to keep the people from experiencing poverty. In the New Testament there were two concepts of poverty: begging and alms! The Lord is breaking the power of begging in His people. He is making us a people of faith. He will change the identity of His people from beggars to KINGS!
What are the Causes of Poverty?
The key reason for poverty is our failure to harvest. When you do not gather spoils, a poverty mentality is set against you.
Many times the enemy will wait until your harvest time to develop strategies of devastation against you. The enemy already has devised a plan to eat up your assets and returns.
With Gideon, the Midianites always stole the harvest (Judges 6). We can plant. We can watch our crops grow. We can even have breakthrough. But if we do not take our opportunity to gather and steward the spoils, a strategy of poverty will begin to develop against us. When you increase without developing the storehouse to contain your spoils, the enemy will gain access to you excess and your future.
Other causes of poverty include aligning with structures that cause your interest rates to go beyond a godly mentality of interest (Nehemiah 5:1-5), fear and an unwillingness to face your enemy (Proverbs 22:13), and (succumbing to) persecution of faith (II Corinthians 6 and 8).
War to See Poverty Break!
If you are sent to or get in a war and lose it, you wear a reproach until you have a subsequent victory. Many in the Body are afraid to war. War is the conflict necessary to conquer your enemies and take possession of what has been promised to you.
War is receiving grace to fight (I Thessalonians 5:8; II Timothy 2:3,4). War is receiving the necessary armor for victory (Ephesians 6:11-17).
War produces an opportunity for us to enter into victory (Revelation 3:21). The Lord brought His people out of Egypt by armies (Exodus 12:51), with a trumpet sound and a battle cry. He brought them out with the Ark, or presence of God (I Samuel 4:5,6). He used forces of nature if necessary to help them defeat their enemies (Joshua 10). He always releases strategies enabling us to plunder, prosper, and stand (Matthew 10; Ephesians 6). He has a Banner of Victory for you.
While Jehovah Nissi puts a banner over you to cover you, Lord Sabaoth will send the Hosts of Heaven to help you. He is God of the armies of Earth (I Samuel 17:26) and God of the unseen armies of angels (I Kings 22:19). HE IS THE LORD OF THE ARMIES (Romans 9:29)! He already has victory for you!
We are required to combat poverty by being kind and generous to others. Like Ruth in Boaz’ field, we can combat poverty by allowing people to glean our vineyard, and providing them access to our excess. We combat poverty by developing strategies to help those that have been ravished by systemic poverty. In other words, we should help others gain wisdom on how to break out of the system that Satan is using to hold them captive financially. We are also required to develop reaping strategies (Amos 9:13). When we do this, we overcome and our increase will go from multiplication to multiplication.
May you be blessed and have success in all that you put your hands to! Success means that the Lord will give you the power to adapt to every circumstance so that you can bring forth His covenant plan (Deuteronomy 8:18). Success is when you accomplish God’s redemptive plan for your life. If you receive revelation, if you honor the prophets, and if you are at the right place at the right time doing the right thing, then you will SUCCEED.
Joshua 1:8 says, “This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success.” (NKJV)
Success occurs when we behave wisely and act prudently. Success occurs when we study to develop skill and understanding. Success means “to follow after,” dispossess and possess/occupy, and master the place or position that the Lord assigns. Success also means that there is already help on our road to cause us to succeed.
The Power to Get Wealth and Riches!
Wealth is an abundance of possessions or resources. During the times of the patriarchs, wealth was measured largely in livestock — sheep, goats, cattle, donkeys, and camels. This was true of Abraham (Genesis 13:2), Isaac (Genesis 26:12-14), and Jacob (Genesis 30:43; 32:5).
People of the ancient world also measured wealth in terms of land, houses, servants, slaves, and precious metals. The prime example is King Solomon, whose great wealth is described in 1 Kings 10:14-29. Wealth comes from God! The prophet Amos thundered against the rich and prosperous inhabitants of Israel, who sold “the righteous for silver, and the poor for a pair of sandals” (Amos 2:6). Their wealth was corrupt and under a curse because it was founded on exploitation of the poor.
Riches is receiving the grace of the Holy Spirit to enable you to accomplish what you are called to accomplish. Riches are linked with accumulation or what you have amassed. A stewardship plan is devised from your riches. The more you steward your riches properly, the more you will get. This is just not a money issue! God is looking for people who will shift in their stewardship so He can release a transference of wealth.
GIVE Your Way out of Poverty
Giving is probably one of the most controversial things in the Body of Christ. Giving is not bringing a “check or dollar to the church.” Rather, giving is built around a covenant relationship linked around an altar of worship.
Giving is when you recognize “MY KING is RIGHTEOUS and LEGITIMATE.” I bless Him so He will take His stand righteously on my behalf.
Giving occurs when you worship! Giving occurs when you respond to authority with generosity and blessing. Giving occurs when you realize the lesser is blessed by the greater. He is the Greater King — we should want to give all to Him. Giving occurs when you do not hold back what you have been entrusted with by the Lord!
God has a plan! Now is the time! Break old cycles of poverty!
Chuck D. Pierce
Glory of Zion International Ministries
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