Posts tagged 'discernment':
Hello, I want to speak to you today about the atmosphere that surrounds you. Most people do not understand the power of the atmosphere that they live in. But the scripture is clear our atmosph [...]
I received this on Sept 28th, 2022. I was watching YouTube and was impressed by the Lord to turn it off and listen. I heard these words. I am still pondering them…if you receive a [...]
Posted by: Cyndi | May 17, 2022 Meat not milk; The Great Saints Meat not milk posts: Name me one saint, or one great man or woman of God that did not have to stand up alone to the esta [...]
FREEDOM! Is there such a thing as the providence of God? Is every open door God leading us and every closed door telling us not to go that way? Are we in rebellion against God when w [...]
Have you ever been going through a season where you felt like nothing was going right for you? Often God will offend the mind ~ to reveal the heart.